Saturday, October 11, 2014

How to Talk LESS as a Teacher!

These days, teachers are being told to talk less and to let the kids explore more. I didn't really buy into the idea at first (like most stuff that gets thrown at us weekly, if not daily), but yesterday, I really tried to focus on it and give it a try.
I'm reporting my findings to you, fellow teachers, and giving you three things you can try out in your classroom. 
Some things were painstaking to hearing one first grader explain to another first grade why 6 + 11 = 10, but I held back the urge to immediately correct my little friend, and what happened next was awesome... his partner corrected him, and showed him how to use the number line to find the right answer!
Maybe me talking less isn't such a bad thing after all...

Here's how I talk less:

I hope there's at least one of these ideas that you can see yourself trying out with your students. It's really helped out in my class so much and I can't wait to see where me talking LESS takes us this school year!

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. O'Brien


  1. What great ideas to encourage children to think more about their learning and reflect on and share their triumphs and struggles. I'm definitely going to try some of these strategies, I especially like the one where you sit on the floor and let the kids be the teacher :)

    Thanks for sharing!
    Oh the Little Wonders
