It is our overall goal with these units to teach young students about different cultures, people, parts of the world, and about our country. We hope to inspire them to be compassionate, empathetic, and knowledgeable about the world around them.
If you take a look at the "At-A-Glance" images below, you will see that February is packed full of awesome for your and your students!
There are 5 subjects with Social Studies that we will focus on each month, but only 4 at a time. They will change each month.
This month we decided to focus on:
Sociology: What is World Hijab Day?
Geography: The Geography of the Super Bowl
History: Celebrating Black History
Civics: Who Chooses our Holidays?
(A teacher guide is included to give you plenty of ideas of how to teach these topics to your children. Quizzes are included in the guide as well.)

You guys, we really wanted to make sure we covered all bases with all of the grade levels we hoped to reach. There is truly something for everyone. We included workbooks with longer reading passages, more vocabulary words, and writing prompts for the older grader. There are also eBooks and Mini Books for the lower grade levels to have access to the same content. Print them out or project them of the entire class to see!
Even if your students are using the 2-3 workbooks (pictured above), the eBooks can still be used as a hook or discussion starter for each new topic!
Each subject has a craft or interactive activity included. We really want your students to be familiar with the topics they are learning about. We want them to go home excited to tell their families and friends what they learned about in school that day! When we think about the impact those discussion can have, our hearts are so full!
We hope your students and you have fun learning and teaching each other! Be on the look out for the March Unit which is coming soon!
To find our units, use the links above or search #SocialStudiesK3 in the search bar on
LaNesha and Naomi