My friend, Tamara Russell from Mrs. Russell's Room, inspired and encouraged me to write this post. I think it was important, as a teacher of color, for me to share my thoughts on how I feel Black History should be taught. I, of course, don't speak for all black teachers, only myself. Here are some dos and don'ts that I thought were important to share with my fellow teacher friends!

This is a great resource to present various African American men and women to your students throughout the school year. Use PowerPoint to project a mini biography about each person and then have your students respond to the writing prompt given.
These writing response sheets would look great on a social studies or writing bulletin board. (Included in the resource above)
This awesome bundle incorporates reading and writing. I teamed up with my friend, LaNesha Tabb from Another Glorious Day to create this amazing resource!
If you are looking for an easy way to branch out and teach about more than just slavery and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this is a great bundle to buy. It includes 20 biography profiles of African American artists and inventors as well as corresponding reading comprehension passages and more! Plus my writing resource that includes 21 mini African American men and woman to learn about and respond with writing prompts.
I truly hope you were able to pick up a few new ideas for teaching Black American History!